How we are working together
Digital Promise is supporting innovation through a collaborative grant. The work focuses on providing step-by-step solutions as part of Gooru Navigator’s suggestions. The goal is to study learner knowledge development and decision-making based on scaffolds provided in each student’s learning journey.
What they do
Digital Promise was created with the mission to accelerate innovation in education to improve opportunities to learn.
American education has pockets of excellence that outshine the best of the best around the world. All across the country, students are designing, coding, composing, animating, and publishing. They are experimenting and solving problems of water and energy, creating community guides and gardens, and connecting across cultural and national borders through virtual exchanges. All across the country, innovative education leaders and classroom teachers are engaging, motivating, and nurturing students to develop mindsets for lifelong learning.
And yet, huge gaps exist between learning outcomes, graduation rates, and college readiness of students based on race, class, and where they live. Gaps exist between high-performing and under-performing schools based on differences in access to funding and resources, community commitment, and the willingness of school leaders to innovate. Gaps exist between the abilities of adults to be productive in a rapidly changing global economy and good citizens in a democracy based on the quality of their experiences in school.
Our vision is that all people at every stage of their lives have access to learning experiences that help them acquire the knowledge and skills they need to thrive and continuously learn in an ever-changing world.
To achieve this vision, we must work together to close the Digital Learning Gap. Because when all learners have equitable access to learning technology, when everyone participates, and when everyone learns, we all benefit from a more engaged, informed and just society.
Trisha Callella, Director, Product Partnerships Digital Promise

We are currently working with the design and development teams at Gooru as they continue to embed features that support learner variability. Gooru is a nonprofit that is centered around the learner just as the Learner Variability Project focuses on maximizing the support for all aspects of a learner through the whole learner framework. We are aligned in the vision of helping each learner navigate a unique learning process. We are in partnership in the effort to support learner variability. The team is incredibly thoughtful in how they apply the research to design and develop features. We are dedicated to our partnership focusing on embedding features to support learner variability and look forward to expanding opportunities for more publicly facing collaboration.
Trisha Callella, Digital Promise, Director, Product Partnerships